The Swiss pilot of a solar-powered plane has embarked on the longest leg of the first attempt to fly around the world without a drop of fuel.
Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015
Googles Project Tango findet Verbündete
Spike Lee Comes to Film ‘Chiraq,’ Unsettling Some Chicagoans
Android Auto: Jetzt geht's los
Samstag, 30. Mai 2015
The Top Ten: Terrible technology predictions
When the journalist and jazz critic Clive Davis wrote about a 1985 article in 'The New York Times' explaining why the laptop computer would never catch on ('It would be much simpler to take home a few floppy disks tucked into an attaché case'), Rory Graham suggested compiling a Top 10. After some of my predictions for the election, it seemed like a good idea…
Apple-Chef spendet Aktien für über 6,5 Millionen Dollar
EU-Kommission geht rechtlich gegen deutsche Pkw-Maut vor
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